Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baked Stuffed Fresh Artichokes

I love artichokes and eat the
ones in the jars all the time.
Here is a good recipe to
stuff and bake the fresh ones.

8 medium artichokes
2 lemons
1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup pancetta or bacon
2 garlic cloves
2 Tbsp chopped Italian parsley
1 Tbsp chopped mint
6 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp water or white wine
Dash of salt and pepper

Wash artichokes and trim off the
top about 1/2-inch from the top down.
Fill a large pot 3/4 full with cold water
and squeeze the juice from one lemon into the pot,
tossing in the actual squeezed lemon at the end.
Add 1 Tbsp salt to the water.
Remove the outer leaves of the artichoke
to the lighter and more tender underleaves.
One by one, slice the artichokes in half
and core out the furry part above the heart.
Place in the pot of water when you are done.
Once all the chokes are trimmed, halved and
defurred, bring the covered pot of water to a boil.
Turn off the heat once you gain a rapid boil
and then let the artichokes sit
in the covered pot for 5-7 minutes.
Remove the artichokes from the water and drain.
Press a paper towel against them to
try to gently press out any excess water.
Place the artichokes in a large baking pan,
cut side up, and drizzle 3 tablespoons of oil
on top along with the zest of your remaining
lemon as well as that lemon's juice.
Flip the artichokes over, and then cover
and refrigerate the pan until ready to use.
You can make these up to a day ahead of time.
Cut the pancetta or bacon into small cubes and
sauté with the garlic in olive oil until crispy.
Place your bread crumbs, cooked pancetta and garlic,
parsley, mint, remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil,
Parmesan cheese, and water or white wine in a
food processor along with a dash of salt and pepper.
Pulse until everything is thoroughly chopped and combined.
Turn the artichokes over so they are once again
cut-side up and gently press a
small mound of stuffing into each cavity.
Top with a sprinkle of kosher or sea salt.
Bake each artichokes in a 350 degree F. oven
for about 40 minutes, or until done.

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