Monday, November 15, 2010

Beets Cooked in the Microwave

This is such a cool a thing to do.
After a few minutes in the microwave the
beet whistled dixie making my dog bark.
I honestly never cooked a fresh
beet in any way before today.
Boiled, baked, roasted or fried.
I bought four beets thinking that
I wanted to use the red liqued to
dye some homemade fresh pasta or turn
the whites of hard cooked eggs red.
This is how I cooked the fresh beet,
using a microwave oven to cook it.

1 fresh beet
1/2 cup water
dash of salt

Wash the beet and place in a glass bowl,
add water and cover bowl with plastic wrap.
Microwave on medium setting for 20 minutes.
Test for doneness by piercing with a fork,
cook longer if needed to get desired softness.

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