Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deep Fried Whole Turkey

I've always wanted to get one of those
propane gas fired pots that are specially
made for deep frying a whole turkey.
A few years ago I watched as my neighbor
burnt her wooden deck down right quick.
So I kind of passed on the whole idea.
Until this year!
When the oil reached 350 degrees,
I dried the bird thoroughly, inside and out.
Then the turkey went on the rack,
Frying a whole turkey can be dangerous
if you’re not careful, but it’s not difficult.
About 40 minutes or so later,
I was pulling a beautiful,
golden-brown bird out of the pot.
A thermometer inserted into the breast
registered 160 degrees F.
I put the turkey on a plate
covered it with aluminum foil,
and let it rest for a few minutes..
Then I carved it. The turkey was visibly juicy.
Would the meat taste as good as it looked?
Simply: yes.
It was tender and full of flavo,
even the white meat that's usually dry,
this turkey breast meat may have been the
juiciest white turkey meat I’ve ever had.

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