Saturday, November 13, 2010

Polenta Stuffed Oranges

Here's a fun recipe that makes
use of fresh oranges as a bowl,
stuffed with creamy cinnamon
flavored corn meal polenta.
This one is sure to get smiles.

3 cups of milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup of instant polenta
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
4 fresh oranges
In a medium pot over medium to high heat,
combine milk, vanilla, and cinnamon.
Bring liquid to a boil and then add
instant polenta, stirring continuously.
Reduce heat and continue to stir.
As the mixture thickens, stir in
the light brown sugar,
being sure to mix well.
Cut oranges in half and remove insides
creating a bowl to stuff with polenta.
You may have to take a small slice on bottoms
to allow oranges to sit up straight.
Stuff orange halves with polenta,
refrigerate overnight to set up.
To serve heat on oven or microwave.

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