Friday, November 12, 2010

Pizza Flavored Baked Polenta

Some recipes just create themselves
and this is one of those recipes.
I had some left over pizza ingredients,
peperoni, suasage and tomato sauce.
Chopped them up and added them to
a soup pot cooking some corn meal.
What I ended up with was a polenta
that tasted like a cornbread pizza.

2 cups water, boiling
1 cup water, cold
Salt to taste
1 cup yellow polenta
some pepperoni
some onions
some tomato sauce
some cooked sausage
some grated parmesan cheese

Place 1 cup cold water and 1 cup corn meal
in a bowl and whisk together while you
heat 2 cups water to a boil over high heat.
Add corn meal and stir to incorperate.
Lower the heat to a low simmer.
Put pizza ingredients in a food processor
and pulse until chopped to desired texture.
Add the pizza ingredients to the corn meal and
allow the polenta to cook for 30 minutes.
Remove to cool and refrigerate overnight.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Spray a baking dish with cooking oil.
Remove pizza polenta by inverting
it onto the prepared baking dish.
Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese on top and
bake for 1 hour or until top is browned.

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