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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Home Made Dill Pickles

These are crispy and crunchy and really good.

1 dozen small pickling cukes.
1 cup kosher salt
3 tablespoons pickling spice
4 cloves garlic
1 package fresh dill, chopped
1 package fresh Italian parsley, chopped
Crock Pot, pitcher.

Take cukes and cut off both ends.
Place both the cukes and ends into the pot.
Drop in all other ingredients except the salt.

Pour salt into dry pitcher.
Boil 3/4 gal. water,
then pour into pitcher on top of the salt.
Stir until salt is in solution.
Pour ingredients of pitcher directly
on top of cukes and the other spices until covered.
Carefully take dinner plate, held upside-down,
and cover the mixture.
Place a weight on top
Let stand for 24 hours.
After standing time, extract plate.
Take pickles out and bottle them
with the brine mixture.
Chill until cool and ready to eat.

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