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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NY Style Strawberry Cheesecake

Look at the dessert menu at any restaurant.
One of the most popular desserts is always Strawberry Cheesecake.
Ask anybody!
Every restaurant, pastry chef and Grandma
claims to have the best strawberry cheesecake.
Why not make your own? It's not as hard as it sounds.
If you like Strawberry Cheesecake,
you'll love this cheesecake recipe.

Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature.
Do not over mix. Too much air in the batter causes bubbles
that can cause cracking. Mix just until creamy and all lumps are gone.
Put a cake pan of hot water in the bottom of the oven.
Not all cheesecakes get baked at the same temperature.
What does matter is that fluctuations in temperature
can result in unsightly cracks. Resist the urge to open
and close the oven door while baking. It is hard to
tell when a cheesecake is done and you don't want to
over bake it either, which again causes cracks.
The cheesecake is generally done when the sides
are set and a little puffy and the very center is slightly wiggly.
Cool slowly on a wire rack away from drafts and
at an even temperature for 2-3 hours.
Some people lay a piece of paper towel
over the cheesecake (not directly on it)
to keep in some of the moisture.
Run a sharp knife around the sides.
Leave cheesecake in the pan and refrigerate
for at least 8 hours or overnight.
Run a sharp knife around the pan once
more before releasing sides.
Peel the foil off the underside of the pan,
gently lift the cake with one hand and peel
off the foil sliding the cheesecake onto a serving plate.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

This sounds delicious! I will try this. Thanks for sharing!