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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Coco Bread

Years ago I worked in the big city,
one day a Jamaican worker offered to get us lunch.
He returned with beef patties and Coco bread.
This is the recipe he gave me for Coco bread.

1/2 cup milk and
1/2 cup cream de coconut
(or 1 cup coconut milk and 1 tablespoon sugar)
1 tablespoon butter
1 yeast cake
2 cups flour

Scald milk, cream de coconut and butter.
When luke warm add 2 tablespoons flour, mix well,
add soften yeast cake and enough flour to form stiff dough.
Nead on floured cloth until dough sponges back.
Let rest in warm area until double in size.
Roll out on floured cloth or board and butter.
Fold in half, butter again, and roll again,
butter again, fold and roll.
At his point the dough can be pinched off
and formed into rolls or cut to size
and placed on a buttered cookie tray.
Cover and let rest until double in size.
Cook in 300 degree oven until lightly browned on top.
Butter top of rolls while hot.

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