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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pan Fried Akule Mackerel

Big eye and mackerel scad populations are
healthy and abundant in Hawaiian waters.
Big-eye and mackerel scad live in shallow coastal
waters where they travel in schools of hundreds to thousands.
They are culturally important to native Hawaiians
who have fished them for generations.

1 whole Akule (Mackerel)
Salt and Pepper to taste
shoyu Butter Sauce:
1c Butter
1/2 c shoyu
1/2 c Green Onions, chopped

Split, clean and butterfly your fish first.
Season both sides with salt and pepper.
Dust with flour. Lay skin side down on a well
oiled frying pan and fry both sides.
Prepare shoyu butter sauce by heating
together butter, shoyu and green onions
in a separate sauce pot, stirring well.
Pour sauce over akule on
a serving dish and serve.

1 comment:

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- Thomas