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Monday, July 5, 2010

Le Caprese Salad
Tomato and Mozzarella

This is one of the easiest and tastiest
salads to make with fresh ripe tomatoes.
Buffalo mozzarella cheese and fresh basil.
The three colors of the Italian Flag!
This is for making a salad for one person.

1 beefsteak tomato
3 oz fresh "buffalo" mozzarella
5 leaves fresh basil
Pinch of coarsely ground black pepper
1/4 tsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
salt to taste

Slice the tomato to about 1/4 inch
thickness and arrange on plate.
Slice the mozzarella about the
same width and layer it between the
tomatoes. Arrange the basil between
the layers of cheese and tomato.
Season with salt and pepper.
Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar.

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